• if you looked into my eyes you would think you saw a girl filled will happiness but really im a girl dying for a way out of all the pain. my heart has bin broken many times in many ways that some people wouldn’t get. my past is long and confusing no happiness and if their was their was something to bring me back down. my smile is of pain, i could cry harder then you would think. i look into the mirror and hate myself for the pain that i put people through. in my eyes i see almost every one as a chance to disappoint. Words are strong but then again fake. some how people have the advantage of hurting me and its my fault for letting them in and abusing my trust. To me i think i can only trust myself because every one has a judgment and is not always want to be heard and my trust is hard to give.

    The End.

    (R.i.P Rosendo...i would give my life for you to still be here)