• Lately I’ve been thinking, too much, or too little, I don’t pat attention to that. I’ve noticed that I’ve been changing. For the better…I think. I’ve also noticed how it effects the people close to me. Lately I’ve had the gall to speak my mind, and some people get offended. I realize that out of respect I stay quiet as to not “hurt feelings”. Believe it or not, there are some people more insecure then I could ever have been in my life. I have decided to work on NOT doing the things that upset me the most. There are many examples of these things. One, I can say I’ve been very good at is controlling my arrogance level, and if you know me well you know that “arrogance” has to be one if not my biggest pet peeve. The other is probing, or digging through what people are saying to find hypocrisy. This has to be the most annoying thing I have ever had to endure, personally. I’ve come to this conclusion, if you think you’re helping me by pointing out my mistakes. Please, just stop. I normally go through what I say after I say it, and if I find that I had made a mistake in what I said, I’ll revise it. And lastly, I know I really need to work on being such a d**k! It’s a self improvement thing. To tell you the truth, the reason I’m such an a** is because I feel I need to beat people to the punch. My generation grew up on the idea that being an a** hole is funny, simply because we see it on TV. Because a giant shake on TV is an d**k, and it makes us laugh that it’s ok to be a d**k to other people in hopes of making people laugh. that’s not true. Some people can take verbal blows like that and seem to not even be fazed. But the reality is, that the more you dish out nonsense and negativity the more it chips away at a persons ability to take things seriously. Also, it’s not a matter of “choosing” to take things seriously. Try this out for a challenge. Try being polite in situations that don’t call for it. And one more thing. This writing was never intended to point fingers at anyone in particular. I love my friends and family very much. But, those examples are some of the things that I have noticed, and get to me. And I’m sure that all of you have your fair share to say about me as well. This is just a rant to blow off some steam. And, I would say that “I understand if you don’t want to talk to me for a while” but to be honest, I wouldn’t understand. It’s just me, and I’m changing. And if you “especially my family” don’t like the thought of that happening, then I’m ready to except that loss. But rest assure I love, and care about each and every one of you.