• Theres a girl name Kate. Shes 8th grade student, people called her "Loner Girl", but she does'nt care about what people says. Shes a very smart girl, shes a 4.0 student, good at drawing, spelling & shes a student government.
    Shes not a nerd. Shes cool. She always helps her classmates. Anyways, people always been mean to her, her classmates always tease her & her friends always making fun of her.
    People always been like that to her since she was little. But she doesnt care. She never care.
    Before, when shes in her english class, the guy sitting next to her pulling her hair. Do you know what Kate did?. Shes just ignore them 'cuz she knows that if shes going to say something to stop them pulling her hair, they will just keep doing it. So Kate just ignore them until the bell ring she run walk down stairs, crying, then theres this guy saw her. The guy said, "hey Kate! whats wrong?"
    then Kate just ignore him then walk away.
    The next day after that, Kate was reading twilight in the library. Then theres the guy again. His name is Ron. He is also a student government, hes smart, cute, cool, & friendly. Anyways, he is talking to Kate, asking if shes alright. But as usual Kate just ignore him, but Ron keep talking to her During reccess, lunch, & even after school.
    So Kate finally talks to Ron & they been friends.

    Kate always come to school early. And also Ron.
    So 1 day Kate was in the stairs reading (again) then she doesnt know that Ron was behind her. Kate got scared. Ron & Kate laugh together.
    Then everything change. Kate is not a "Loner Girl" anymore. She started to talk to other students. Some students was not teasing her anymore.
    Its all because of Ron.
    Ron change Kate's life.
    Now thanks to Ron, Kate is not a Loner Girl anymore.