• I agree with the argument of Jean-Jaques Rousseau that the natural state of humans is peace and harmony. There have been many examples of human charity and selflessness all throughout history, proving that humans are not solely concerned with their own interests and profit.

    Thomas Hobbes’ theory is that all people are born selfish and will only seek their own interests. Why then, are there so many volunteers helping the sick and the impoverished? These volunteers make no money and spend hours doing work in soup kitchens and old-age homes. For the past two years, my family and I have been trying to volunteer with the Chum City Christmas Wish program, only to be told “Thank you, but we have too many volunteers already.” Perhaps Thomas Hobbes would argue that this is for personal gain and some people might just like working in places like hospitals and cannot get a job there. He could be right, but why do these people like working there to begin with? Their desire to help the sick, perhaps, tapping into their desire for peace.

    If everyone wants peace so badly, why do we have war then? I can only speculate as to why people start wars, but generally, when a war is started, it is to retaliate to something another country did or is doing. Someone has decided that another person/country has put the other in danger or stolen something from them. What we are fighting for is not really wealth or retaliation, but people see that their harmony is threatened and they retaliate. People are only fighting to protect equality and peace. Even Adolph Hitler just wanted a “perfect and peaceful world” and although his idea of that would and his methods of achieving it were wrong, it was still his desire for harmony that led his cause. I personally believe that war is not a justified way to achieve peace, but some people see it as the only way.

    Everything that people do is to protect their sense of equality and fairness. Unfortunately, people have differing views of what that is, causing war and violence. I think Jean-Jaques Rousseau was right, but that does not necessarily mean that the outcome will be a peaceful one.