• Jane peered up at the lonely night sky. The moon was full and as beautiful as ever. The stars were missing. And so was she. Where had she gone too? Were they still looking for her? Jane didn't know what to think. She knew she was in danger. She could sense it. But Jane also felt alone and helpless. She had nobody to look up too. Nobody to care for her. She felt as if her heart was two sizes as small. If it wasn't for her, her beloved Damian wouldn't be in danger. If it wasn't for her the world would be a peaceful and quiet place.
    Where was Damian? Was he safe? Jane didn't know any of these things. Damian was so kind to her. He wasn't the kind of person to tease her or to hurt her. But ever since he found out her secret he's been avoiding her. Jane knew exactly why Damian was afraid of her. She was a bloodsucker. A murderer. Who would love someone like that? Jane also understood. Although she loved and cherished Damian she knew she had to leave him be. If u truly love someone then you have to let them move on. That's exactly what Jane wanted for Damian. She wanted him to be happy. But what if that couldn't happen...

    "Jane Lauren Amroy," hissed a low, husky voice. Jane froze in place. "So beautiful yet so deadly,"
    Behind her stood the one person Jane couldn't bare look at. His name was Hudson. Hudson Karr. The deadliest person to walk this planet! Images and memories flashed through Jane's mind as if they were haunting her.

    "What do you want?" she whispered. Jane did not want to reveal her fear to Hudson but how could she? It was hanging there. Blinding her. She knew Hudson could read it in her eyes.

    "The same exact questions," Hudson snarled. "What do you want? Who are you? Can I help you?"

    "Where is he?" Jane asked. Her eyes were set on his pale face. Hudson circled her. Jane stood still.

    "Oh, my lovely, he isn't a bother any longer," Jane could hear the smile in his voice. She could feel his cold breath on her neck. She shook.

    "What did you do to him? I want to see him. Where is Damian?" Jane cried. Her eyes welled with tears. Not of water. Of blood. She could feel the cold, sweet liquid roll down her cheek.

    "He's gone," Hudson spoke the words in Jane's ear with a low hiss. The words echoed in Jane's mind. Hudson took Jane's hands and threw her to the ground. Jane wouldn't care how much Hudson abused her. What had he done to her Damian? The words. The blood. The abuse. The pain.