• Band out there in a different room,
    How so wonderful you sound,
    With your trumpets a buzzing
    With your woodwinds a tweeting
    with your percussing a beating
    with your brass a blowing
    or even your leader a waving,
    when you come to town everyone wants a seat
    from the rich to the poor they are coming
    when music you play so wonderful how the crowd gets shocked in awe
    to how brilliant they notes are,
    everyone likes the band from football to basketball, from competitions to concerts
    They sound so wonderful as if they were a family where the leader is both parents
    And the parts come together like kids playing soccer,
    the leader is nervous at the competition and at the right moment she sighs a sigh of relief
    they sound so horrible but she finds out they were just joking around
    at the end of the school year she cries a sad cheer for all those who quit for good and she'll see again.
    at the new school year she prays for some good weather and for some good king hearts donating money for broken instruments and gas
    band creates good bonding in life and they have more knowledge of good music
    and they have done sad crying peaces.