• Hey everyone that reads my Journals today I did a lot of things and One of them was to Visit my birth mother Grave it was really sad i wanted to cry but i could'nt because i cry so hard when my Parents told. My foster mom came with us which was really nice of her My spanish is bad so i could'nt talk to her very well!...SUCKS
    anyway after we visited my mom grave we went out to lunch and the food was OK anyway after that we went to drop off my foster mom and we walked in her house it was nice to see some of my family again i said Hi and all and we talked i played a lil piano Fur Elise which am still learning and i played the guitar a song i made up!.. after that we left to pick up the man my birth mom was living with before she died we talked and went to get some food i had this banana thing with chocolate ( if your thinking a banana split NOPE) and a limade and a hamburger cuz i got hungry anyway we asked this man a lot of question of my mom and he answer them all and i found out i look a lot like my ma and that we had a lot of things in commond..this man really love my mama because he pays 200Q which is a lot of money here but just $25 in the US and he's poor anyway he pays that much money to put flowers next to my moms grave.I thanked him for making my mom happy and for giving her one last chance to live a happy life...they live together for 7 years.After we finished talking to the man (name Cesar) and got a taxi for him to go home we called my sister (half) and i talked to her in spanish which believe me when i say It was HARD!..for me at least. we talked for at least and hour and all that we found out that we also had a lot of things in commond and that am going to visit where she lives and that she is 30 years old the eldest in our family she also had 4 kids. and i also found out that two brothers of mine died a while ago it broke my heart i was going to cry but i didn't (dont ask me why) anyway i also found out that my grandmother died a while which made me more sad (but still no tears) My family and i decided that we are going to where she lives tomorrow and staying there I love my older sister and am really happy that am going to be able to meet her. until tomorrow.