• One day a little girl is home alone, when there is a knock at the door. She gets up to answer it but stops and asks.
    "Who is it?" theres a pause "I guess they left ?" so she goes back to watch cartoons. Then the door bells rings.
    "Who is it?" she asks again, pause.
    "Lily, it's me Jimmy I'm here to check up on you" he says, she sighed with relief. She lets him in, and then he leaves an hour later.
    That same night, their house was robbed and Lily was raped and beaten. Cops didn't find any evidence of a forced entery. They turn to Lily for answers, but she does not speak. The parents were not home to have any useful infromation.
    After a while Lily has begun to speak again. They ask questions to see if they can find a suspect. But with, no luck she just wont tell them who. Then her mom sits next to her daugther.
    "Lily, can you tell ME who did it?" and she'd never forget what her daughter says next...
    "Jimmy says to not be a taddle tale.." Lily whispers.