• Strong of heart, and will. Cut that crap
    Why is everyone so confused when it is so clear?
    If you were meant to be with her, do it.
    Go to him. Go to her.
    What ails you so that lessens the speed of foot?
    Yet, in all its fierce speed, quickens your heart.
    I'm a lion. Its always do or die.
    Its always a smile, and a roar.
    But thats only if you get on my bad side.
    Yet you! You're amazing!
    Quite more than I
    Why do you listen when outword words say different.
    what stops you from your need?
    Yes, i have cowered before at love lost. But he found someone better.
    I am glad, and for you.
    Fore I am just the friend. Just words you read across a space of distant
    on the internet. from a voice to weary ears
    But I have words for you, sir or ma'am.
    You're completely and utterly worth it.
    So claim whats yours. Speak to me.
    And I shall be there.