• Okay, not that any of you read this... After all, a journal entry in the far off corner of cyberspace doesn't exactly seem like the place one would find an answer for something like this... But anyone who so happens to deserves to know. I discovered the meaning of life, today...
    I take my philosophy very seriously. I sometimes spend days in isolation devoting all of my attention to the rips in the seams of existence I can. I hammer at questions I believe matter to me, and in doing so feel as though it makes me feel more "whole" of a person. Well rounded, and complete... The thing is, you don't have to accept anything I say, merely read it. In the end, what you believe is yours and yours alone to decide. I sincerely only leave this behind wanting to help. I find it's more convenient to the both of us that way, me not taking time out of my life to answer a question you need help with. This will serve as our private conversation.

    So, what is the meaning of existence?
    It's all based on the ultimate question, typicality existing in two forms: "Why does anything exist?", or quite simply "Why?"
    People ask this demanding a reason for existence. You ask the question looking for a reason.
    So, in order to answer the question, I have to reflect it onto you, (Particularly, anyone reading.) The thing is, you won't have the answer, as you came here looking for it. This doesn't mean there's no answer. It means I've asked the wrong question. In effect, I will water it down into something versatile or more applicable to your situation:
    What is your reason for doing anything? This includes literally everything. Why play a game? Why skateboard? Why draw? The thing is, the answer will be different for whoever reads the question. But you see, the answer WON'T NECESSARILY BE WRONG. That's the thing. When the answer your searching for is a reason, you are immediately searching for a varying answer that is never wrong. This is because the outcome or initial answer DOESN'T MATTER. Get the picture yet? You ask the question, or perform the action looking for a reason, when the reason why was having the question in the first place. These kinds of questions are the only reason for anything, and thus, provide answers themselves. The thing is, any other kinds of questions have a simpler answer which throws humanity off... It always had. It assumed that it didn't have the means to answer the question because it wasn't "There." But time is an idea. Many scientists can tell you that it's just an element of physics. It can be changed, altered... It's almost as trivial as the wind. We exist now, making us ideal witnesses as to why. So, why does anything exist? You see, that question was asked in search of a reason... and ultimately is the kind of question that is a reason itself.
    What makes it unique is, the answer will never actually matter... because the question itself is the only question that provides it's own reason, and thus is it's own answer. If I were to ask you the question, and you were to say, "Because," You could very well be right. You gave me a reason in your answer. The thing is, what the answer is DOESN'T MATTER. What we were actually looking for was a reason. As long as it was a reason, it was correct. The thing is, we ask the question because we want to know. The question in itself is a reason. The question is vague enough, however that it falls WITHIN IT'S OWN JURISDICTION. Suddenly, the answer becomes the question, or rather CAN be because the answer is A REASON, which is what you were looking for. biggrin

    Soon, I will copy and paste this entry to the arenas, so more people have a chance to find it should they wish.

    Enjoy the meaning of/ reason for life/existence.

    It is my gift to you.
    Kumbaya, Motherf*cker B)
    - Ted