Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Laced with Poison by SpicedCustardTart
- ....
- She's Just A Girl by LyssaLuver
- Listened to a song. Got this out of it.
- Art Insomnia by lonesomepoet19
- a song I wrote for a friend, one who is always there when the s**t hits the fan, you know the kind I'm talking about people.
- Love What Is It by VampireDev
- Love what it is
- Pitter Patter by Tapteamgirl
- My cousin (she's 10) begged me for at least 30 minutes to post her poem. Tell me how it is. Please be respectful. This is her first poem so please please please be nice and give her some helpful hints.
- if i gave you my heart by alice k dark
- worryingabout how a person would answer questions that might effect a relationship
- depression by estrofem
- Some of us go through depression. I do and its a problem but for me to cope with it my therapist told me to write what I really feel and kind a reflect on it afterwards. I am over it now. I am in a stable relationship and thing...
- Bubble by Robotic Jeana
- I'm surrounded In an enclosed circle Trapped In a floating spear Stuck In one place Squished In a space so tight Getting smaller And smaller And smaller And smaller Until Pop! I'm free
- Caged by Xx-Forgotten Mist-xX
- Made for someone very dear to me
- my hart by xXxnaghtykrisxXx
- it describes its self really
- A Lone Soldier's End by Obsidian_Demon_Fox
- A poem i wrote a long time ago
- A Snowflake Fell by CaramelKittee
- By anonymous
- Give Us Freedom by goldenheart8
- Let's just say I got nothing else to do. Pls do comment and rate if you have time. I want to know how I can improve. Thanks.
- That Person in the Mirror by Robotic Jeana
- I got the idea for this poem from the book Speak by Lourie Halse Anderson. CW
- After 10 years... by Hizou_Chan
- i just thought up of this.... Well hope you enjoy it. sorry im not really creative.
- sensual deprivety by purpdrobt
- i miss my girlfriend okay?