Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Inside by the guy in front of you
- Well, me and my friend have been having an argument lately. I think I'm horrible at poetry, she think's I'm amazing. So, she picked a poem for me to put in the arena's to see if I was good or not.
- Bloody Rose by Dark Devia
- I came up with this in the middle of the night and thought it was really cool, but every time I tried to add to it the addition screwed it up. So I give this to you in it's raw form.
- Watching Me by Nissassa-Cullen-GuthAnime
- i wrote baput my ex boyfriend i am completely in love with
- mother nature is mad at us by sk8terpunk718
- seriously guys i think mother nature is mad at us! comment!! please!!
- In The Shadows Cast by Trees by sweet black kitty kat
- this is one of my more recent poems...I would like peoples to guess what this poem is talking about and i'll tell you if you get it right!...please also tell me how i can improve on my poetry
- L.I.F.E by DevilPlushieWushie
- its about life.
- reality check by BeastlyRoses
- Something i just felt like writing about comment and rate plaz. :]
- lost the will to live by druid saint
- so ya i can just type or write this stuff on the spot call me insane or unstable if u will but ya
- Depression by Lady Cecilie
- Something that ran through my head while I was depressed
- Crush by Lord Vassago
- I desided to write a poem for someone that I had a crush on for 2 years. Although I was sadly shot down, I figure that I would share my poem to others and see their ideas =P. Please enjoy.
- On The Verge by SilentBlackRoseLovesDeath
- I wrote this in sophmore year, I was really depressed when i did. please give feedback
- Times go on by Firesnack
- It is really just a song about feeling like life passes you but and just dont get why its always like ware digging ourselves in rut sorta a rock ballad sorry about misspells if you in a band go ahead and use these lyrics just ...
- Stained With Blood by Twilight Tsuki
- I wrote this poem at least 4 years ago it has meaning about suicide and stuff, my friend was going through some harsh things so she was the inspiration for this.
- Chapter 4 by Fr33z3r_Burn
- Part 2
- For sh**s and Giggles. by Xx_Vor_xX
- I decided to write this because i was bored and i wanted some people to see i'm not completely useless
- My World by DaT Nigguh ReDD
- i got this by talking to someone
- Hands of Mine by P i lo t S l
- random C:
- i cant by demongurl8822
- just wrote what i felt hope u like it
- My Moon and My Sun by jadeyman
- what was wrong with me when it was her...