Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- And Then You Were Gone by Simply Rainie
- Just a little poem I wrote about my friend.
- a newish song of mine by james301
- hi i write alot of stuff like this so wanted to see what alot of people thougght of this one its mabye one of my best songs so far so hope you like it
- Heaven or Hell by xxEmo_angel_katahixx
- Where would you go to Heaven or Hell?
- time goes by by Fancysuckit12
- just something i wrote tell me what you think
- For him. by M I N T Y K I S S E S
- haha, I wrote this for a guy a while back. ^.^
- My Guardian Angel by Sir Chancellor
- It's a poem I wrote about my bestfriend and saying that she's like my guardian angel. Stealing is against the law so DONT STEAL.