Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- A World of Between... by Cenobites
- Just a random Poem thing I wrote for a post in a RP a while ago. It speaks of the RP it self as it had died. And Still dead now. Everyone had left for school. Shall they come back? In a way I am speaking for most forums on her...
- Loveless Act I by emoboy-vampire
- A poem i love
- loneliness by King-Stanson
- I wrote it in english
- emo in song by Alycia1284
- wow its sooooo awsum my friends sing it all the time
- wat is true by tame teh azn
- following what right
- My kindness quote by greenkazoo123
- This is a short quote I had to make in class that I like I love peanut butter, as you might be able to tell.
- Lost, Hurt and Concealed by 13-Chaotic-Serenity-13
- I concealed too much of what i did to myself. I mentally beat myself up about life... yes this poem is about me... and i'm still sort of like this...
- Rain by screw-u-tht-was-funny
- This is just a poem that i wrote after I broke up with my first boy friend. It describes eactly how everything was when it happened. i know that its not that good. I wrote it fast.
- what hate can do to me by mangababe08
- i have many emotions but these show you my strongest.
- The Girl on the Other Side by DDrox316
- I changed the title from "Mirror Image" to the one it is now (the girl on the other side) Dec 27, 2009
- Three Of The Things by Lullaby Kitten
- I hope you enjoy it. I wrote it today, and I would please like you to comment and to rate.
- Summer, Spring, Fall, Winter by Mitsuki Izuka
- Please read, comment, and rate!
- Halloween by MUSIC_IS_FOR3V3R
- Well since Halloween is comming up I decided to write about it. Please tell me what you think.
- Fairy Tale by Pure hatred of the heart
- Partially inspired by Rammstien's Sonne, this is the 8th song in the album; Corruption over Conscience
- Aspirations by Alice Has a Wonderland
- Poem about school.
- For Doug by Zombiechick30
- i wrote this for my ex boyfriend
- Stop Me Dreaming by Uel Tomas
- Nightmares, yay.
- Reflections on Composition by a little monster with pie
- Mildly comedic, but also a bit of an outlash at Miss Imagination herself. ><; Only a musician would probably get the Alberti bass joke in the fourth stanza. This is pathetic, right?
- Tonight Is The Night by The-SadBadBoy
- The Child Of Morbid Poetry presents... Tonight Is The Night