• Fire,
    A flame that warms,
    And kills,
    Resembling warmth,
    And death,
    Bringing hope,
    And fear,
    What is fire to you?
    A thing we use loosely,
    We don’t care,
    We go out and mess around,
    Get drunk,
    Kill each other.
    We only have this one time to live it,
    So why is everyone wasting it?
    Haven’t you heard?
    Living life,
    Is a once in a lifetime chance.
    People who will stand by your side,
    Stick up for you,
    Pick you up when we’re down.
    Yet everyone is abusing the word,
    I’m a friend not a foe,
    I won’t hurt you,
    Then I see you run off,
    Telling your other ‘friends’ the gossip,
    Spreading rumors and lies,
    So what are friends?
    Your family lifts you up,
    It’s your base.
    Yet In some homes,
    You see abuse,
    No family love,
    Look around,
    Children are homeless,
    Crying for a mom or dad,
    So why are we so sad?
    A place to learn,
    Yet we abuse this chance,
    No more smarter,
    We can’t leave then come back,
    We can’t fight then not care,
    School is a place to learn something new,
    A place where we also get away from home,
    School is a second home,
    So why do we deny our school family?
    A deep infatuation,
    Willing to give your life for your partner,
    Yet in these times,
    Girls think they’ve fallen in love,
    It’s only infatuation,
    Yet having sex,
    Getting pregnant,
    Then not wanting the kid,
    So having an abortion,
    Then regretting it the next day,
    Forgetting about it,
    Then starting all over again,
    So what is true love?
    The losing of someone close,
    Wanting to never to forget,
    Not wanting to let go,
    But look at it in a better way,
    They’re in a better place,
    Whatever disease they had,
    Whatever handicaps they had,
    It’s gone,
    They’ve been healed,
    No more dieing or sickness where they are,
    So let’s not cry anymore,
    Let’s rejoice,
    So is death all that worse?
    Flies by without our notice,
    Time burns our days into night,
    Our night back into day,
    How long can time go before it runs out?
    Can it run out?
    Can time be stopped?
    Material Items,
    Things we think we need but are only wants,
    In other places so far away,
    People only have the basics,
    Only have water, food, clothes and shelter,
    Sometimes not even water,
    So why do we take what we have for granted?
    At school and home,
    Attitudes are seen everywhere,
    Save it,
    No one wants to hear it,
    No one wants to know about your ‘gossip’
    To tell you the truth,
    The gossip you spread will come back and bite you in the butt
    So don’t try to play god at your school
    Spreading rumors and lies,
    When you lie,
    Imagine how that makes you look in the end.
    A symbol of sadness,
    Of horror,
    Of pain,
    Tears fall at funerals-the lose of a life
    Tears fall at weddings-the beginning of new lives
    Tears fall when children are scared,
    And fall when adults are upset,
    Tears are everywhere in the world
    At homes and schools
    Even though we never see them most of the time
    Tears are hitting the earth rapidly,
    Either from sadness
    Or even pleasure
    Why do we tear so much?
    Is it a natural habit?
    Is it a skill in each of us?
    What are your tears?