I don't know what to do now, I feel like I should be ashamed... I feel horrible... it's my fault... I just can't let it go... I want to so badly... just to think of it like it was just another person, just someone else would just go on without me, or me with out them... I'm sure it's my fault... My fault that I was so harsh... My fault that I was a b***h... my fault... no one else's. I don't think I've ever felt this bad before... I don't want to feel this way... I want to move on.. I want to forget... I don't want this! Gr. I just don't know... I'll never know... But oh so badly do I wish that one day I will.... or even do. I just want these thoughts to cease. I want them to desist... Will they though? My brain is dead. I've been up these past couple nights until 2 and swimming and working all together, I'm ready to rest. I want to be able to think straigh but something tells me that won't happen even with rest. So to the person(s) Who know what I'm talking about... sorry... they shouldn't know what I'm talking about, hopefully. I'm in no mood to talk... I want to be able to smile right now, but I'm dead... so no smiling, no laughing, no talking, no thinking... *sigh* Life hates me currently