Things can only get better from this point...
So the other day I got lost driving so now my family is acting like they can't trust my driving skills. They don't outwardly say it but you can hear it and see is with their words when I talk to them about going somewhere. I quit my job and hope to get a new one at the nursing home because I enjoy old people so I'd enjoy working with them. I need a source of income and fast because I have to pay for my insurance and my gas and I still haven't gotten all my friends' presents.. *sigh* I need to not be friends with alot of people... well just for the holidays.
Any who things can only go up from this point right? I mean the worst has occured and from here I'm hoping that I can make my way with just the little luck I'm given.
Though... things have begun to look up which makes me so incredible happy that there is no word to describe it. I heard something great from a good friend which lifts my hopes up higher then it's been since this streak of bad luck, and we (my brother and I) had our christmas at dad's (since we won't be there for real christmas {mom usually has us for christmas}) So I'm extremely happy... well OK, I'm not acting it at the moment BUT on the inside I'm happy and that's what I think counts.. as corny as that sounds *giggles*
My analogy.. the bird who's wings won't work...
Well I think that for once in a LONG time my feeble wings are begining to work and I have stopped myself from falling... it feels good to be able to fly again, even if it may only last for awhile or so...
Well I really hope who ever reads this has a great day or night.
Signed, the bird with the tainted wings,
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Welcoming her to your door with open arms, Miss Misery wraps around you in a bitter heartless return...[/size:3edf725e6e][/color:3edf725e6e][/align:3edf725e6e]