It hurts to think I'm predictable... DOn't ask me why but it does...
Old habbits are hard to break.. but is that my fault? Just because I want to find something that feels right to me I'll give up on it? I think I'll be happy and give it a couple weeks and I'll prove myself wrong... Is it my fault that almost everything I think will make me happy doesn't so I give up before it gets to serious... SO badly do I want to prove to the world that I don't do it just to say I can... SO badly that it hurts... My choices are the worst in so many ways and it hurts not only me but those around me. Why can't I keep people around me happy? Why can't I keep myself happy? I wish someone could answer these words for me. I wish that I could prove to the world that I can be happier with someone for long then 3 weeks... Oh how I wish I could do this... It hurts on the inside to think that friendships could die because of a couple of words I say.. I wish I could do this and not seem like a b***h.. I wish it wouldn't hurt to say those words... I wish it wouldn't hurt the person I was going to say those words to... I wish I wish I wish.... Wishes never come true in this little world of mine... Dreams and Wishes get you nothing in life... but I don't know what else to do. All I've got are my dreams and wishes, the rest of me is uncertain how the rest comes..
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Welcoming her to your door with open arms, Miss Misery wraps around you in a bitter heartless return...[/size:3edf725e6e][/color:3edf725e6e][/align:3edf725e6e]