So... yeah... sweatdrop Yesterday at school I donated blood. Remind me not to do that again. Not that the taking of the blood or anything was a bad experiance - it was acutally fun. whee ((Yes, I'm demented like that.)) The whole process didn't even take seven minutes for me - my blood was that easy to get out. rolleyes
The problem was afterwards though... eek
wink Oh, don't worry, it wasn't like right after they finished with me. I actually felt absolutely fine for the next thrity minutes. 3nodding They gave us lots of water and juice and cookies to much on while we were waiting till we felt absolutely fine to go back to class. I felt fine already - I was still there only for the free food and for Gall. ((The little dude scared me witless when he was getting his blood taken. sweatdrop Almost as soon as they started, I could tell that he wasn't feeling good. Pretty soon, about three nurses were crowding around and putting wet towels and a paper bag over his face... sweatdrop Yeah, I was scared for him... But he's ok now. 3nodding wink ))
Well, after a while, this one girl that was there, Janett, came and sat next to me. We didn't know each other, but you know how it is - people who go through similar experiances feel a little bonded. So we started talking. She was nice... But then in the blink of an eye, while she was in the middle of telling me something of how scared she would be if she started feeling dizzy and all that, she had a seizure and totally passed out. eek And even me, who was sitting right next to her, was taken completely by shock. Nurses crowded around our corner of the tables and splashed cold water on her. She woke up - but then pretty much felt like crap so they put her on the cot to lie down. It was scarry... sweatdrop
Now... I was a little startled, but I figured since I felt fine I would leave this place now so that I'd avoid "contracting" the same reactions. Yes, I'm aware that you can't "contract" reactions from people - it was just a little healthy paranoia on my part. But I guess I realized it too soon.
As I was trying to get up, I got a sudden dizzy spell. I sat back down quickly - not wanting to cause a scene like Janett had. But the overseer saw my reaction and instantly was at my side asking me how I felt. I told her that I felt dizzy and cold... and it was only getting worse. They put me on the cot and I lied down. Then - this part really scared me - I became short of breath and couldn't really hear the people around me. I couldn't really see either - the lights were burning my eyes. I felt them put wet towels over me and a paper bag too like they did with Gall. After a few mintues of breathing into the paper bag, I felt ok.
By then I think Gall finished giving his glood cuz he wandered over and sat in the chair I was sitting in a few minutes ago. He and I kinda laughed over our reactions to the experiance. Then he asked me how I felt and I told him I was dizzy and cold. He held my hand - and even I could tell how cold my own hand was. It was freezing. I kept having little jittery motions all around my body. It wasn't fun. xp
After a while, near lunch time now, I really wanted to go home. Screw taking my driving test today - I couldn't even stand without feeling dizzy. I wanted my mom. I asked Gall if he was feeling up to it to go and please get my mom - she should've been waiting by the usual place early today. He left. A few minutes after, I felt better enough to sit down at the table again. Janett was there, she'd gotten up before me. We looked at each other and laughed sheepishly. Then Jessica wandered over and the three of us just talked. Jessica said we, me and Janett, kinda scared her. She'd yet to give blood and now she wasn't so sure. We laughed.
Then - now this is just wierd - but I got a powerful urge to go to the bathroom. After a few shuffles about who'd escort me to the ladies room, A nurse named Jessica came over and told me that she'd take me. Yes, her name was also Jessica - just like the girl I was talking to. So, it ended up that both Jessicas escorted me to the bathroom. On the way we met Gall and my mom. I swear... My mom was mad. I mean... I didn't plan on being "sick" after giving blood - it just happened. But I could tell that she was mad.
Anyways, we went to the bathroom. I did my business. Then we walked back to the donating site to pick up my bag so that I could go home. The nurse, Jessica, went over precautionary measures with me and my mom. Then, when we reached the donating room, the nurse there went over the same with me. Jessica (the girl) dissappeared, so I'll have to thank her later. The nurse got two bottles of water for me and Gall went in and got my bag for me.
Then we walked to the car. On the way we met Michi, Panda, Tanuki and InuAndrew. We gabbed on the way to my car. Then we said goodbye and mom and I headed for the DMV. I remember falling alseep in the car then waking on when we reached the DMV. I walked inside with my mom, using her arm as support. But then... I got dizzy, couldn't hear anything, then couldn't see anything... then went numb. I remember something feeling odd about my head - and then I realized that I'd fainted right in the middle of the DMV. When I came to, I remember some man supporting me from the back, and looking into my mom's angry face. It didn't help waking up to that.
We rescheduled the appointment then went home. On the walk to the car I was again really close to fainting, but I made it. I fell asleep again on the car ride home, then barely made it into my house when we got there. I died upon my bed then - my mom had to help me change into my clothes - then pretty much stayed in a vegetated state until just a while ago. Sure, I forced myself up to go eat dinner and all, but it wasn't a happy expericance.
The bottom line is that I'm alive - even if I still feel weak and a little bit lightheaded. I woke up this morning and tried to go to school ((due to my mom's continual hassles)) but I couldn't make it to the bathroom without feeling like I was going to pass out, so I told dad. Dad was genuinely worried and called in for me.
LOL... sweatdrop Only now... I'm up and I feel better. The girls called me from school ((and Panda from home)) to ask how I was and if I could still come over for the sleepover thing at Tanuki's house. I told them I feel better... but I hinted that I wouldn't be able to do much. But they still want me to come, and I know it too. It's been ages since we've had a sleepover. sweatdrop Let's just hope that I live through it.
So, here I am, killing time by writing this ((once again)) long journal and waiting until my mom gets ready to take me to school. I'm going to meet the girls there and then go to Tanuki's house for the sleepover. Once then, I'm free to do whatever I want until 8:00 tomorrow when I'll have to go to church. Maybe Neko will come with me. Dunno... the service is going to be with the adults and in Korean. Even if her last name is "Correia"... I don't think she'll understand what's being said. sweatdrop Ah well, I'll just ask her.
Yeah... So, I guess that's it. Grant me luck so that I'll survive a night with the girls - I'll need it. sweatdrop
Bai Baiz~!
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Yeah, so I'm updating this too. This place is where I can rant, rave and say whatever the heck I want. Ah~ The sweet bliss. Well, feel free to drop in and read some of my insanities. There's always room to insert your own into the mosh-pit! XD
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