• Elizabeth fought back tears as she gazed up at Thomas. "Why must you go?" she asked. "To win this war. To protect our homes. Our country," Thomas replied. He brushed the hair back from her eyes. "The ones we love." Elizabeth couldn't hold the tears back any longer. They poured from her eyes like the rain was outside. She wiped them on her sleeve. "What is it with boys and wars? As soon as they can they go off to fight. Mother says father was the same way when the British fought the French," she said. "It's strange isn't it? Thirteen years ago we were fighting with the British, against the French. Now we're fighting against the British, allied with the French," thomas replied. "When will you be back?" Elizabeth asked. "When my time is up. Or when the war is over, if it ends before my time is served." "Pray it is. Promise me you'll come back. Please. I can't bear the thought of losing you." Thomas smiled and hugged Elizabeth. "I will try my best, my love," he whispered into her ear. Thomas kissed Elizabeth on the cheek, bowed, and then walked towards the door. He put his hand on the doorknob then stopped and turned around. He looked back at Elizabeth. She was watching him, tears silently streaming down her cheeks. She ran forward and hugged him one last time. When she let go, she could see tears building in his eyes too. "I love you," he said. "I love you, too," Elizabeth replied. He turned to the door and opened it. Outside the house it was pouring. Thunder sounded through the valley. It seemed God was crying with the couple. Thomas stepped out onto the threshold. "Good-bye, Elizabeth," he said over the sound of thunder. "Good-bye," Elizabeth replied. And with that, Thomas closed the door and stepped into the rain. He Mounted his horse and rode down the road. Soon after, he disappeared into he rain.