• Preface:
    “Violet!” I felt a shaking on my shoulder “Violet! Get Up!” I knew that voice. It was the voice of a girl that I knew and loved forever. Because we had forever… and ever. Now that forever will end because of me…all me. I never thought this day would come. The day would end forever… my perfect forever. I prepared myself for the worse.

    Chapter 1:

    The burning was incredible. The pain was penetrating. Overall, just a whole lot of torture. An experience that was a great one and a bad one. I felt the pain surge through my body, racing through my veins. Then it reached my heart. My heart was like a ticking bomb, about to explode. Then I drifted further and further away from my experience and into a deep, dark abyss of black.


    I must have been laying in the bed for more than 3 days, still as a rock. A very exciting rock… the pain, the burning, the jolts and jerks, and all the black. Then when all hopes were gone, I lie there and open one eye. The vision was a clear as 20-20 except it seemed like 2000000-2000000. I saw every perception in the room, every crack in the wall, every hair on Lola’s head, every… Lola. Lola. My best friend. The blur of the memory of my best friend. The scariest blur it would make your brain melt. That blur replayed in my head, the dark room, the heavy breathing, the screams, the cracks of breaking bones, my last breaths, then the pain… centered right in my neck, then the dark abyss and the waking up, the perception. All of it rushing through my mind over and over again. What happened?
    I sat up in bed and looked around and saw nothing but everything. I saw everything through my new eyes, which showed me nothing. The only thing I saw was that face. That beautiful face, no, that horrific face. The sick and twisted face… of my best friend. She looked back at me with tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m so sorry Violet…” she murmured “I so so so so sorry.” What was she apologizing for? Was she the one who cased all the pain? I scratched my neck. Then I felt it, a raised mark like a scar, the shape of a crescent moon, with holes in it. Then it hit me. I was bitten by a… a…

    What did it mean? Am I a Vampire? Who was the Vampire who bit me? Was it my best friend? My best friend. My best friend the Vampire…
    Not my best friend… not Lola… no… not Lola. Lola started to come towards me and all I wanted was that. I reached out towards her, to grasp her hand but, all I did was blow her into the air. Wait? I did? I blew her in the air? Yes. I felt the force come from my hand and then I saw her fly in the air and hit the brick wall. She broke some bricks. Poor Lola. “What was that?!” she asked then winced in pain. I just stood there in the same horror pose I had for the past three days. “What is it?” she asks me “Everything’s okay…” Then I got my answer. My best friend, Lola, was a Vampire. I saw it in her blood red eyes, saw the sharp points on her teeth, saw her white skin and pale face, and worst of all, saw the dried blood around her mouth. I wanted to open my mouth and scream and horror but some part of me held me to the ground and to open my arms embracing her.
    Lola slowly walked toward me waiting for something to happen but came into my arms and I hugged her. I wanted to tell her that I loved her and that no matter what she is or what I am we can still be the best of friends. But I couldn’t. My mouth was like a dry desert with no form of water for miles and miles. We sat there looking at each other doing nothing then she told me something I never wanted to hear. “I must go,” she said standing “so far far away that I will never be seen again.” I still couldn’t speak so I looked at her with the same horrific look I gave her an hour ago. “I love you.” She said “And I am so very sorry.” And just like that she was gone, never to be seen again.

    The anger filled my body and flooded my mouth. “No.” I whispered. “NO!” I screamed. It sounded like the sound of finger nails scratching a chalkboard, ear piercing. I decided it was time to go home after I found out where I was at. Then it hit me. Lola was always prepared for anything. I was sitting in the old abandoned apartment building three houses down from mine. I walked out the door seeing the world around me. Every leaf on every tree, every mark on the bark, every feather left by a bird. I ran home as fast as I could, clearing my mind of everything that has happened. I run into my bedroom and see a perfectly folded piece of paper on my bed. On the front it had my name perfectly written in Scroll…
    I open the letter and I read the note,

    Dearest Violet,
    I love you with all my dead heart and I have a lot to explain. First of all, I am a Vampire if you hadn’t already noticed but I want to let you know that I was not born this way. If I ever see you again I will tell you my story and we will be all in the know. Second of all, I want to let you know that I changed you into a Vampire myself. I did this because you were going to die and I couldn’t let you. But, now that I have done that I have to hide. Hide from the Ontara. They are like the rulers of the Vampires. And if you break any rule (which I have done) they will come and execute me and my creation. So this is what I ask you, if you could, please stay under cover. Don’t go to school, don’t leave the house, and don’t go outside. So you and I can stay safe and maybe meet again. I’m so sorry for all the trouble I caused you but if I die I want you to know that I loved you and nothing will ever change that…
    With Loving Care,
    If you ever get a sudden feeling to feast on blood, leave your home and stay away from human contact, go deep into the woods and kill animals, please do not risk the lives of poor humans…

    Poor Lola, running for her life, all because of me… why me…