• There once was a 20 year old girl who used to go to a now condemmed church.
    she was very upset after her mother and father died in a car wreak at the age
    of 46 and 45.She thought she could get an option of getting married.Two days
    later when her and her sister went to the funeral she met a very hansdsome
    man named William.he was 21 years old and had blonde wavy hair and sky blue eyes.Her father used to know his mom because they were very close
    friends.A day later sudenlly out comes WILL YOU MARRY ME!!??She didn't
    even know the guy but she didn't even give a crap.Five days later they got
    married got married at an old boathouse in Mexico.The day after that his mother bought a wine making company and asked William to be a wine
    maker he said yes and instead of making plain wine they pousined the
    wine.So every coustamer that bought the wine they die.A few weeks later
    they killed the whole city .Two years later they got devorsed over a huge fight
    so he told her to drink some of my mothers wine andwhen she took a sip she
    was dead.THE END