Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- My Christmas Fife by matthew_B101
- A story of a special relationship
- The Worst Possible Day by Lynn26
- my friend commited suicide because of a chemical depression and so i wrote about the horrific event
- look at her by Daddy Got This Account
- what i am. like it? good, dont? so what. please rate and comment! if you bash it, tell me why.
- Reality Game by xxWillie16xx
- Have u ever knew someone who thinks they're better than u and makes u feel ashamed...Maybe thatz wat they think....I know of someone.....This is for him
- Impass by WereSquishy
- I'm taking the advice of someone I met, good reply, of coarse its rare that I even think about poems carefully or with literate thoughts.
- don't quit by XxXx_namine twin_xXxX
- well all i can say is i hope u like my pome
- Never Letting you Go by Obscene Hellraiser
- Ehh, boredom leads me to this. :3
- Crushing love by Brooklay
- My parents give me no freedom! >< GAHH!
- Hidding In The Shadows by ThePuffinMaster
- I'm not quite sure why I wrote this really...
- Religion by Angelpete_xy
- Perspective on religion
- first kiss by i_luv_kai714
- hee hee~ if you dare say something bad about it i'll beat the poo out of you (i dont really like saying bad words)
- Untitled by Jaime Cullen
- A while ago me and my bf broke up, we both got new partners but we started seeing each other again. I broke up with my new partner, he, however, did not.
- A Jeanie With a weenie by Mikomattbro_Pinoy
- Untitled by Chimerical Beast
- I refuse to give this a title. If I called it 'Monsters', or 'Fears', or 'Secrets', or 'Guilt, or [i]whatever[/i]- it would give the story a limit. The 'we' in the poem is entirely up to the reader. That's what makes it real; t...
- Warm Friend by Angelic-Disaster Dola
- Hiyo!! Hope u like it!! ^___^ Plz rate! constructive criticism ONLY.