Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Blinding Shadows by xxkychan
- Meaning: Light- life and reality Dark- mind and dream Your mind creates the impossible. I LOVE critics! I want to improve as much as possible.
- Last Breath by Kusaru
- A poem I wrote awhile ago. I heard a line from a song and turned it comepletly around.
- vibrant by k i l l a u h
- one of my random poems based on my aim icon..
- Side by side by -Jacxie-NYC-
- I don't know why i wrote this really i got it from a song i think
- Love by Zombi Cupcake
- I have a good bit of poetry. I usually just post them in blogs on myspace, but I decided to post some of them on here. I also write storys, I might post some of those too. Enjoy ;]
- The Shadow on my Shoulder by Lord Kronus
- This poem explains how a random guy hates hypocritical people even though he himself is hypocritical.
- love makes me sick some how by iCandyRainbowz
- meh.....
- For my Shadow. by Yoshi_Kaida2011
- I wrote this one day because I started missing my baby. Which was a black lab that got hit by a car a few year's ago. I just wanted to tell him all this but he can't see it or read it. But I just had to get it out!
- Pretty Girl by Drunken Aunt Coral
- I was bored today in Gym. We didn't have to dress because it was the first day for the new term. My friend had a poetry notebook and I wrote a poem in it and I really liked it. So yea. Here it is.
- Love For The True Believers. by Spirit Void
- lol its 7:20am so pretty tired, that was a quick poem i had made lol :P so if you like it comment. if you dont like it please dont flame.
- A Guide for a Princess by Shikiblade
- From the view of a Princess' advisor, he suggests a new life for a Princess who is not happy. The poem is very simple, but the story holds a message, if you can find it.
- She sat by Sacre Cerf
- Not intirely sure what this is about...I wrote it along with several others one after another....i guess i was just inspired, again i do not use punctuation in poetry
- My Angel Left Without Me by chesleii
- hi...hope you'll inspire with my poem..
- untitled by DiexToxSurvive
- a random sad/dark poem i wrote at like 3 in the morning last night (insommia sucks...) it might sound a little weird cuz well it was 3am and i didn't write down and it's short
- yes , that´s you by WhitePrincess27
- This poem describes how a real friend is .. Hope you like it ! Love ya ! Thanks , White Princess27
- .To The One I Miss. by Avezl
- A quick little poem. Tell me what you think?
- Delusions of Grandeur by Reyjavik
- All about the owner of a book store who hates people, except the characters in his books and the books of others
- I can't hear the music. by Victor van Baron
- one of my most beautiful piece of poetry.