This is the most basic mount for a yo-yo, and allows some pretty nice looking tricks.
Yo-Yo I used: Yomega HyperWarp Wing, Yomega Xodus II, Hasbro F.A.S.T 201, Yomega Crossfire Any sleeping yo-yo works, but Butterfly shaped yo-yos are easiest to use.
Yomega HyperWarp Wing: A light ball bearing yo-yo with a slightly modified butterfly shape. I haven't fully broken mine in, but it seems to be responsive. Be extra careful when doing on-string tricks with this as it's responsivness could make it wind up early. (I got mine for about $12 at a local toy store)
Yomega Crossfire: This is my most used yo-yo, but it is a very unresponsive yo-yo that usually only winds when Bound (will explain Binding later). On the slightly heavier side,this yo-yo has a rubber core and hard plastic outside. Sleep times are good and is well suited for whips, slack tricks, and on-string tricks. (I got mine for about $20 at a local toy store)
1)Throw a hard Sleeper; make sure it's straight or the following steps will be more difficult. 2)Push your right pointer finger into the back of the string (push away from yourself) about half way down. 3) Bring your left hand down in a circular motion to keep the string taut. 4) Put string into the back (closest to your body) side by moving your left hand in a circular motion forward.
TO DISMOUNT: Do the mount in reverse; take your time.
If you hear your yo-yo making a loud "whining" sound when you put it on the string, be prepared for it to come back up at you; that sound means there is a lot of friction.
As you get better, you'll be doing this and saying "How exactly did I do this again?", but that only means it's becoming a more natural movement to you. You'll also be doing this faster, and probably in a different way, yet accomplishing the same thing.
This mount is used for many tricks including the Stop and Go, Barrel Rolls, and Brain Twister.
Next: Trapeze Mount
Exterkate · Thu Apr 23, 2009 @ 10:59pm · 0 Comments |