• One summer day me and my family (mom dad sis me) went to see my Aunt B. We wanted to stay like 5 days but my dad had to work.

    One of the summers night me and my dad were suposed to go out on the porch and see the moon in a little town called Los Angles.

    When we just got out my mokm called for my dad. My dad told me to stay were i was so i just sat down the stepsand listen to the crickets singing there song.

    Suddenly i started hearing some thing in the bush! I look and there was nothing there. So i look back at the walkway right in front of the porch.

    There, I saw a big white dog with hazle eyes! I looked closely and it look like a German Sheperd but it was too big to be one. i keeped thinking what it could be, then i got! IT WAS A WOLF!!

    I just stared at her and she stared right back at me. Then she stared to move towards me. I knew that i had to stick your hand out so they can smell my scent but when i did that she backed away.

    She started to move again towards me. I sticked out my hand again and this time she didnt back away.soon her nose was so close to my finger tipswhen suddenly my dad slamed the door openand stared to yell at the wolf! Then kicked at her!

    I keeped tell in him that she was friendlyt he didnt listen to me. He grabed my arm and practically through me in the house.

    He yelled at me tellling me not to pet stray dogs. Then he asked me if i needed to tell him if she did hurt me or anything.

    I said," IT'S NOT A DOG. SHE IS A WOLF!"

    He studed me and saind thereno such thing as WOLVES with hazle eyes I keeped telling and he still didnt beleive mr. Then i gave up and said he was right but secertly I knew that the dog wasnt a dog

    IT WAS A WOLF!!!

    BY, KIKI